
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Loving Time!

Dude, it's loving time! Go visit Jamie and join the fun!

Today I'm loving ...
  • The caffeine that is getting me through this lovely hump day.
  • The fact that I'm 2.5 days away from seeing the Mister.
  • That I got the chance to spend quality time with my sister last night - running around like we were still teenagers. Of course, now every elementary school kid recognizes JuneBug and has to say hey. And we have to be home by 10:30. Ah we are such old fuddy duddys.
  • My free lunch. Thanks, A!
  • My littlies who I get to spend quality time with tonight.
  • Fall weather.
  • My latest excuse to go shopping. What? I need work pants.
  • And last but not least I love my Savior, my family, and my mister.

Day 8: Missing Out

Hello babe,

Today is Wednesday. In my countdown, that means there are two LONG days between me and you. Last night, I went to the fair with JuneBug. We needed a little bonding time. It was great fun. The bright lights, greasy food, and crazy rides are all just as fun as I remember. I'm really hoping you finish up early on Saturday, so I can go back with you. I know you'd love it, and it kills me to think you'd have to miss out because of this job. You know I think that's the thing I hate most about this new job. It's not necessarily that you're away from me, but that you miss out on so many things with your family and friends. But that's life I guess. And now I'm just depressing myself so suffice it to say I miss your face. And I love you dearly.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 7: The Morning After

Hey Mister,

The sappiness has left me. I nearly addressed this "My Dearest Love", but that made my skin get all itchy. So, mister it is. Thank you for coming home this weekend. Just getting to spend a whole day glued to your side made me superdiduperdy happy. And I'm so glad to hear that you're loving your job. That makes this separation SO much easier to bear. As much as I miss both you and Frank, it's nice to know that you're both somewhat happy in your new home. I know you're not as happy as you would be if I were there ;) but as long as you're not miserable I'll survive. JuneBug and I watched "We Bought a Zoo" last night. It was a pretty good movie. However, it became apparent early on that we are both weepy girls at the moment. We cried nearly the whole way through. Miraculously, my eyes are not puffy this morning. BTW, Monday mornings come REALLY early. I know your morning comes earlier than mine, but goodness gracious who thought that was a good idea?!?! Today is going relatively well. It's a busy Monday. I did, however, finish Hunger Games. Whoot Whoot! Of course, now I feel like I have to finish the other two books before I can go back to Fang. Hmmmm .... we'll see. Have you finished the first book yet? I forgot to pack my lunch again today. I'm getting REALLY bad about that. Looks like it's another downtown day for me. Well, my break is over and work is calling my name. I hope your day is going swimmingly. Give Frank a kiss for me. And tell Frank to give you a kiss for me.

I love you,
[Lots of bear hugs and doggy kisses]



{1} Weekend Visits

My sweet man came home this weekend, and I was blessed to spend nearly 24 hours with him. I swear I was glued to his side the entire time. Dude, I was such a clingy girly girl. See, Mister, this is what you turn me into when you grace me with a 24 hour visit. Hmmmm ..... {also I have 0 pictures from this weekend ... because I was so absorbed in the boy that I forgot cameras even existed ....}

{Not from this weekend, but we're so cute I thought you needed a pic anyways ;]}

{2} Dancing With The Stars

Tonight is the premiere of DWTS: All Stars. And I'm stoked. I mean if I can't see the HOTTEST MAN EVER during the week then I definitely need to be seeing Mister Fluffy. Because if I hadn't met McHale, then I would definitely marry Derek in a heartbeat. Do you watch DWTS? If so, who do you want to win? I haven't decided yet due to the fact that I love almost ALL of the contestants this season.

{3} Madison County Fair

Dude, the MC Fair will be in town this week! JuneBug and I will be going Tuesday night, and if Mister gets off early Saturday I'll be headed back to the lights, games, and chaos with him that night. Have you ever been to a backwoods country fair? If not, you're missing out. We do it up right with pigs, cows, mud, bright lights, seedy people, fast rides, greasy food, and everybody in the county. It's the big to-do of the season. Everybody goes to the fair.

{4} Lady A Goes On Vacay

My boss is on vacation this week which means I have to work harder than normal but also that our office is much quieter than normal. And as much as I love people, I love the quiet times as well. So, I'm enjoying working on my own this week. On an unrelated side note, I just looked up and out the window and was amazed by the beauty of this day. Oh, sunshine!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Questions!!!

1. What is one grammar issue you cannot let go without correction? Incorrect verb tense. For some reason it drives me nuts. I believe it is one of the few grammar issues that makes a person sound ignorant. I'm Southern so my grammar is a special mix of correct and backwoods. However, verb tense is taught in elementary school in the sticks. So, if we learn it out here, then it should be common knowledge throughout the country. *Stepping off my soapbox*

2. What's your favorite thing about fall? FOOTBALL!!! And the Madison County Fair. And Halloween. And cooler weather. I think I like Fall more than I thought I did. Hmmmm ...

3. What's your favourite dish to take to a potluck? I don't have a signature dish yet. So far I just take desserts .... or sausage balls. I do like to make sausage balls. I am still on the search for my signature dish. What do you think it should be?

4. When do you start Christmas (Holiday) shopping? A week ago. Seriously, I've already bought 4 of my Christmas gifts. I'm pretty proud of myself!

5. Did you move homes a lot growing up? Nope. I lived in the same house in the boondocks until I went away to college.
1. The last time I was on vacation, I went to Biloxi, MS to spend quality time with McHale.
2. For breakfast I like to eat sugar.
3. My heart hurts when I eat too much Mexican food because apparently that's bad for my heart.
4. Why must I clean this house just to turn around and clean it AGAIN.

Day 6: Rollercoaster Survival

'Ello Love,

It has officially been 5 whole days since you moved into your home away from home. I miss you and Frank more than you'll ever know. Our inability to hold a conversation via telephone makes this LDR a little tricky. However, I am counting down the hours until I am in your arms again. It has been a rollercoaster week, but I am currently climbing the hill to the big loop-de-loop. It's a slow climb, but the anticipation of the flippiness makes it all worth it. This week has been anti-climatic. Last night, the JV team played very well and won. Whoot whoot! But Jon was broke, so he rocked his plaid shorts on the sideline. Wednesday was night filled with a new crew of kids who are quickly stealing my heart. And not shockingly I have completely forgotten what happened on Monday and Tuesday. Today, however, is Friday. And this particular Friday is filled with lunch dates, donuts, father/daughter time, and housecleaning (what? It needed to be done sometime). Of course I'll throw in a little Q & A because it makes me happy. And happy people don't go on killing sprees. My ultimate goal for every week - Kill No One.

I feel like that went down a very dark path. Hmmmm .... what I meant to say was I miss you and I love you. And this will not be lengthy due to my inability (once again) to handle the sappiness.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 5: Another Chapter

My love,

Today I'm adjusting to the fact that in less than a week, I will be in a long distance relationship. I'm a pro at LDR's and am not in the least bit worried. However, I am at the moment trying to soak up as much of you as possible. I want to spend every moment of the next 4 days with you. I want to memorize you. I'm so blessed that you will leave me with such a strong support group. My family is amazing, but to be such an integral part of your family, to have a MIL who loves me and is always there for me means so very much to me. And your crazy brothers will keep me busy and entertained until I can see you again. I kinda just want to take this opportunity to tell you that I am so thankful that you are willing to take time away from your family and friends to work away from home to better our life. I really, really appreciate that. I'm so very blessed to have found a man who cares so much about my well being and our future together. And dang it, I'm getting downright mushy. This is unacceptable. So, I'm going to cut this short. But I love you baby. And this blog will soon be more of a place where you can keep up with my life. And less mushiness which makes my skin crawl.

Love always,